Friday, May 1, 2009

the bogmeister's

went to bogie's tonight,
reltively fun. not there to dance with frat guys because thats uncomfortable,

just from personal experienjce.

also, lynda lied to the only two black giys in the entire bar and said it wasa mt birthday...(BITCH) so one od the guys bought me a drink and then they kept on hovering by us all night. poor guys,they don't realize how judgemental all the girls in that entire building are...i'm sorry. i really did feel bad for them but at the same time wish every1 would leave me alone...

ALSO, sadie texted me tonight asking why i was mad at him, bu ti assume he was drunk because he misepelled several words. and i don't respond to drunk pity meessages, sorry. wanna know why i'm mad? take some common sense pills and figure it out. assface.

also. i/m tirede adnw anna sleep and my eyes hurt.

i'm drunk.

i love my friends.

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